The oldest Polish propeller factory owned by Włodzimierz Wentzel, was founded in April 1919 in Ostrów Wielkopolski. First propellers were delivered in June 1919 for users at Poznań Ławica airfield. Intense economic activity of Włodzimerz Wentzel in Ostrów Wielkopolski is documented from 1906. He owned bicycle and sewing machine shop and warehouse. In pre-war Poland he was selling cars, centrifugal machines, weapon and ammunition, radios. He owned gasoline station, mechanical and vulcanization workshops. We don’t know exactly when the factory stopped propeller production. In „Warunki Techniczne Wytworu i Odbioru Śmigieł Płatowców” (Technical Requirements of Production and Reception of Aircraft Propellers) of 1921, Wentzel Factory is mentioned as “Propeller Factory Ostrów”, so probably it was still active in propeller business at that time. We know about two preserved propellers made by this factory.