About the propeller. The propeller was produced by French Chauvière Intégrale factory. Currently on exposition of Muzeum Morskiego Dywizjonu Lotniczego in Puck, Poland.
Construction. The propeller lamination consists of eight plies (probably ash). Diameter of propeller is 272 cm and the hub thickness is 150 mm. The propeller has metal sheathing on outer part of leading edge. The propeller is covered with black Tonkilaque. On both blades the decals with company’s logo are placed.
Aircraft and Engine. The propeller was intended for eight-cylinder inline V Hispano-Suiza type 8Aa engine 150 hp. The engine having 11,76 L capacity was rated at 150 hp at 2000 rpm. It had 4,7 compression ratio, 120 mm bore and 130 mm stroke. In Poland this engine was powering Shreck FBA-17 HE hydroplane used by Morski Dywizjon Lotniczy (Sea Air Squadron) at Puck. Six aircraft were delivered in Spring 1926. The last of Schrecks (wearing No 4-4 on fuselage) was in active service until 8th of September 1939 when it was destroyed by servicemen after German air raid.
A. Morgała „Samoloty wojskowe w Polsce 1924 – 1939” (Polish military aircraft 1924 -1939)
Period Advert. Hispano-Suiza, 1924
Period Advert. Ratier 1924.