Schwarz, LKL V, Warner Scarab engine

Schwarz, LKL V, Warner Scarab engine


Producer (type):
Propeller No.: ???
Production Date: 1932
Pitch: ???
Diameter: 2100 i.a.w. the source
Engine: Warner Scarab 110 HP
Country of Origin: Germany
Used on: LKL V,

About the propeller, The propeller was produced by Schwarz workshop.

Construction, Wooden propeller, covered by fabric.

Aircraft and Engine, The LKL V aircraft was powered by Warner Scarab engine. According to the below given source the propeller was subsequemtly replaced by CWA(?) propeller.


  1. “Lubelski Klub Lotniczy, Aeroklub Lubelski w okresie II Rzeczypospolitej”, M. Gajewski, wyd. Lipiec 2012.

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