Plage Laśkiewicz, Potez XXV propeller

Plage Laśkiewicz, Potez XXV propeller


Producer (type):
Propeller No.: 65
Production Date: 1928 - 1932
Pitch: 1730 - 2010
Diameter: 2905 mm
Engine: Lorraine Dietrich 450
Country of Origin: Poland
Used on: Potez XXV,

About the propeller. The propeller was produced by Polish factory Plage Laśkiewicz in Lublin. Most likely one of the few props produced for own aircraft production – in this case Potez XXVA2. Private collection.

Construction. The propeller lamination consists of 10 ash plies. The outboard leading edge of approx. 600 mm (measured along diameter) had aluminum sheathing. Originally the propeller was covered by black Tonkilaque coating (coating service was almost for sure subcontracted to Integrale/Szomański manufacturer).

Aircraft and Engine. The propeller was used for Polish built Potez XXV. The propeller was working with 12-cylinder in-line engine, Lorraine – Dietrich 12 Eb, of 24,4 l cubic capacity. The engine was most likely license built by Polish Skoda factory.



  1.  “Przemysł lotniczy w Lublinie 1919 – 1939”, Mariusz Wojciech Majewski, ZP Grupa, 2009

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